Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poems about my favorite things. By: Joshua Elliott

“The Only White Meat”

From your head to your tail,
Your trotters to your spine
Belly, chops, shoulders, or loins
All so succulent and delicious
On the verge of being divine
You give me bacon
What else should I say?
I wish I could enjoy you
For all my meals, each and everyday
Cochon, pig, pork, or swine
To me, any label is fine
As long as you are in my life
Sweet delicious pig

“Good Fat”

You are butter
I am man
I have fire
And I see a pan
Turn on the flame
And you will go in
To my delight it will begin
You will become foamy,
Air becomes nutty with
Brown butter aroma
To you I can add anything
It does not matter,
Because you are butter,
And you are better
Butter you steal my heart

Friday, April 30, 2010

What “Came” first: Main Course or Intercourse?

By Carl-Henri Boulos

While the world of dating is sometimes confusing, there is one thing that is always clear: Dinner usually leads to sex. In this modern time, many may believe that the dinner before sex is overrated and working up an appetite for the forthcoming dinner is more worthwhile. Many couples later in their relationships take this action by having fruits and other ingredients in bed after intercourse. Which leads the question, if the chemistry is right, what should come first Intercourse or the Main Course? How do you come up with the “game plan” to what your date will go like. This can qualify for not only the first date, but any date. If you have been in dating this girl or guy for a while, and the chemistry has been aroused to sexual level. It is suggested that you take the initiative to be prepared. No matter what date, you go on it is always good to be prepared.

If you plan on having sex after dinner it should be known to have everything working in your favor. Signals, mood, and the food should all simulate sex in a subtle yet clear way. If your cooking, make sure it is on point. It is known as humans we love the succulence of taste. Then after we eat too much pasta and savor dessert, we take a nap, wake up, and make love. Hopefully you will keep the dinner light, to cut out the nap and waking up. Knowing the different kind of aphrodisiacs are a good plus. Then start your night with bubbling champagne with a succulent floating strawberry. Both the French and the Italians believe in the potent power of a strawberry, the perfect little heart, all juicy and red. In the world of erotic literature, they are called "fruit nipples."

Next you might serve up some raw oysters. According to Live Science: "The Romans placed the oyster high on their list of prized aphrodisiacs. Casanova, the legend goes, would eat 50 raw oysters for breakfast. Yet interestingly, oysters (and pine nuts, another ancient aphrodisiac) are high in zinc, which is necessary for sperm production.

Discovery Health tells us, "The psychological impact of believing that oysters, raw bull's testicles ("prairie oysters", as they are called), clams, celery, or tomatoes are aphrodisiacs is sometimes strong enough to produce, at least temporarily, greater sexual desire or performance. If oysters do not suit you, try a juicy tomato and avocado, and asparagus salad. Yes, all three are high on the sexy food list.

Finally, be prepared in the bed. Try sexy positions, impress your partner; this could be your future love making partner for a while. If missionary has become monotonous, and doggy has gotten dull. Tonight, skip the same-old-same-old and give Leg Wrap, Easy Rider, or The Sun Worshiper a try. This doesn’t mean you can’t use the original positions. The thing is if you want sex before dinner just do all of this… In reverse.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver like many chefs, grew up around the culinary scene picking up on what he can pick up and learning what he can learn at the young age that he was at. He started out working at his father’s pub The Cricketers which was located in Clavering, Essex, England, UK, where he grew up and was born. There he was allowed to cut and prep the vegetables enhancing his knife skills. Jamie had always been fascinated with the kitchen as well as what went on it. He quotes “It just seemed like such a cool place, everyone working together to make this lovely stuff and having a laugh doing it.”
Unfortunately he’s peers didn’t have the same outlook on the kitchen as he did. They thought that cooking was “Girlie” and would make fun of Jamie at school. But that didn’t change Jamie’s mind about what he loved to do. In fact he didn’t mind at all because the money that he earned from working at the pub, he’d use to buy the latest trainers. This is the British term for sneakers.
When in school he learned that he did not have the grades to stay in. But realizing that a chef is what he wanted to be he then enrolled in Westminster Catering College. He also did some time in France as well. When in France he took the time to learn everything that he could learn. He was lucky enough to work at a renowned restaurant so early into his career. There he made the most it obtaining all that he could. After working at After The Neal Street Restaurant, He then worked for Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers at the River
Morrison 2
CafĂ© for three and a half years he quotes “What an amazing experience that was. Those two ladies taught me all about the time and effort that goes into creating the freshest, most honest, totally delicious food.”
There is where he was discovered as far as the television aspect his life goes. While a documentary of the restaurant was being filmed the editors couldn’t help but show this “Cheeky Kid” that was so into the cooking and kept answering back to the camera crew. When the show was aired he got calls from a lot of producers and companies wanting to talk to him about possibly having his own show. Jamie said he couldn’t believe it and thought it was just his mates winding him up. But it wasn’t it was real and that is how he got the show Naked Chef and that’s where it all Kicked off for the young chef.
Jamie Oliver is a great chef and has added his own British style to the world of culinary arts. He is so into what he does that he considers the heath of others. Going from school to school trying to change the way kids eat. On one show he was previously on he stated that sadly the upcoming generation of kids are predicted to not live longer than there parents. He encourages the parents of young children and high school students as well as college to prepare healthy lunches and eat in moderation. He plans on working with Michelle Obama changing the way people eat so lives can be saved. Jamie Oliver is not only a great chef but a rising leader in the making. His courage strength and passion is ideal for any great role model.

By: Morrison Jodi-Lee


By: Morrison Jodi-Lee

Key Lime pie is what I got a thing for
Creamy, sweet and tangy my tummy screaming more.
Topped off with whip cream is how I like to eat it
And if you haven’t done so I think you should try it.
And buy it
And bake it
And eat it
And share it
And love it
Okay maybe I’m going a little bit over board
But then again Key Lime pie is what I got a thing for.
YUM !!


It was March 18, 2003 a beautiful summer day at the farmers market. Red was doing the usual with his friends, checking out the curves on the ladies. But suddenly red got hit with a scent a scent like no other; it was the sweetest smell he had ever experienced in his whole life. He looked to his left to see what it was; there she was heading towards the exit. He thought to himself I got to have her. He jumped in the cart and hide until they got to the house.
When they got there he introduced himself and said “hi my name is red” …. Plum red that is and what’s your name beautiful. She laughed “peaches”. “What a beautiful name “he replied.”where are you from?” he asked “Georgia” she said in a country accent.” oh well that’s nice” replied red. Hours went by and they talked and laughed the night away. But when red woke up peaches wasn’t there. He looked to his left and there she was heading for the blender. “OMG!” he cried I got to save her. He rolled to the blender and bounced onto the off button. “You saved my life red”, peaches said to gratefully. “Why wouldn’t I you’re the apple of my eye….. Well peach if you want to get descriptive.”I love you red” she said “I love you to peaches” red replied back. They headed back to the basket and two weeks later made plumches. And the peach and the plum lived happily ever after.

By: Jodi-Lee Morrison

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cab' Poached Pears- S. Wong

A decadent, warm dessert served with vanilla ice cream. Polar opposites come together to make a tantalizing sweet ending to any gourmet meal.

Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
TOTAL TIME: 1 hour and 10 minutes

4 ripe pears
I cup Cabernet Sauvignon
½ cup water
½ cup sugar
Zest of 1 orange
1 cinnamon stick
1 clove
Candied ginger, for garnish

1.      COMBINE the wine, water, and sugar in a medium sauce pan.
2.      BOIL mixture and stir until sugar dissolves.
3.      REDUCE heat to a simmer.
4.      STIR in orange zest, cinnamon stick, and clove.
5.      PEEL the pears, slice in half and remove core with a melon baler. Leave the stem on. Arrange them in poaching liquid.
6.      KEEP a steady simmer over medium-low heat. Occasionally rotate the pears. Pears are done when they are soft to the core when stuck with a knife.
7.      REMOVE pears to a bowl with a slotted spoon.
8.      RETURN liquid to a boil and cook until syrupy.
9.      SERVE each pear with the reduced poaching liquid as a sauce, and accompany with 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.
10. ADD candied ginger as garnish, if desired.
  • Try Bosc pears. They tend to be just the right firmness for poaching.
  • For a richer flavor and deeper color, allow pears to sit in the poaching liquid (after simmering for an hour) over night. The next day, start at Step 7 and finish the recipe.
  • Serve with any ice cream flavor.
  • Garnish with the orange zest from the poaching liquid, mint leaves, or whipped cream.


By Michael De Filippis

To Cook and Prepare
Many Exquisite Delights
So Sure to Entice